# /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/vtune -help collect
Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Command Line Tool
Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
-c, -collect=<string> Choose an analysis type.
Perform a data collection of the specified analysis type.
See the list of available analysis types below.
Action Options:
-allow-multiple-runs | -no-allow-multiple-runs (default)
Enable multiple runs to achieve more precise
results for hardware event-based collections.
When disabled, the collector multiplexes events
running a single collection, which lowers result
-analyze-kvm-guest | -no-analyze-kvm-guest (default)
Enable to analyze KVM guest OS running on the
system. This option is applicable to hardware
event-based analysis types only.
-analyze-system | -no-analyze-system (default)
Enable to analyze all processes running on the
system. When disabled, only the attached process
and its children are analyzed. This option is
applicable to hardware event-based analysis types
-app-working-dir=<string> Specify a directory where the application will be
-auto-finalize | -no-auto-finalize
The option is deprecated. Please use
-finalization-mode=none instead. Turn on/off
automatic result finalization after data
collection/import. --no-auto-finalize option also
turns off the summary report (--no-summary).
-call-stack-mode=user-only | user-plus-one | all
Choose how to show system functions in the stack.
-cpu-mask=<string> Specify CPU(s) to collect data on (for example:
2-8,10,12-14). This option is applicable to
hardware event-based analysis types only.
-custom-collector=<string> Provide a command line for launching an external
collection tool. You can later import custom
collection data (time intervals and counters) in
a CSV format to the VTune Profiler result.
-data-limit=<integer> (1000) Limit the amount of raw data to be collected by
setting the maximum possible result size (in MB).
VTune Profiler starts collecting data from the
beginning of the target execution and ends when
the limit for the result size is reached. For
unlimited data size, specify 0.
-discard-raw-data | -no-discard-raw-data (default)
Discard raw collector data from the result upon
-d, -duration=<string> Specify a duration for collection (in seconds).
Required for system-wide collection. Can also be
-finalization-mode=full | fast | deferred | none
Define finalization mode: full - perform full
finalization; fast (default) - reduce loaded
sample count to speed up post-processing;
deferred - calculate only binary checksum for
finalization on another machine; none - skip
-finalization-mode=full | fast | deferred | none (fast)
Finalization may take significant system
resources. For a powerful target system, select
full mode to apply immediately after collection.
Otherwise, shorten finalization or defer it to
run on another system (compute checksums only).
-follow-child (default) | -no-follow-child
Collect data on processes launched by the target
process (recommended for applications launched by
a script).
-inline-mode=on | off Choose to show or hide inline functions in the
-k, -knob=<string> Set knob value for selected analysis type as
-knob knobName=knobValue. For a list of knobs
available for an analysis, enter: -help collect
-kvm-guest-kallsyms=<string> Specify a local path to the /proc/kallsyms file
copied from the guest OS for proper symbol
-kvm-guest-modules=<string> Specify a local path to the /proc/modules file
copied from the guest OS for proper symbol
-loop-mode=loop-only | loop-and-function | function-only
Choose to show or hide loops in the stack.
-mrte-mode=auto | native | mixed | managed (auto)
Select a profiling mode. The Native mode does not
attribute data to managed source. The Mixed mode
attributes data to managed source where
appropriate. The Managed mode tries to limit
attribution to managed source when available.
-r, -result-dir=<string> (r@@@{at})
Specify result directory path. The default name
for a result directory is r@@@{at}, where @@@ is
the incremented number of the result, and {at} is
a two- or three-letter abbreviation for the
analysis type.
-resume-after=<double> Specify time (in seconds, with fractions allowed)
to delay data collection after the application
starts. For example, 1.56 is 1 sec 560 msec.
-return-app-exitcode | -no-return-app-exitcode (default)
Return the target exit code instead of the
command line interface exit code.
-ring-buffer=<double> (0) Limit the amount of raw data to be collected by
setting the timer enabling the analysis only for
the last seconds before the target or collection
is terminated. For unlimited data size, specify
-search-dir=<string> Specify search directories for binary and symbol
files. When the files are in multiple
directories, use the search-dir option multiple
times so that all the necessary directories are
-source-search-dir=<string> Specify search directories for source files. When
your source files are in multiple directories,
use the source-search-dir option multiple times
so that all the necessary directories are
-start-paused Start data collection paused.
-strategy=<string> Specify details for parent and child processes
name2>:<profiling_mode>,... Available profiling
mode values are: trace:trace, trace:notrace,
notrace:notrace, notrace:trace. This option is
not applicable to hardware event-based analysis
-summary (default) | -no-summary
Turn on/off showing the summary report after data
-target-duration-type=veryshort | short | medium | long (short)
Estimate the application duration time. This
value affects the size of collected data. For
long running targets, sampling interval is
increased to reduce the result size. For hardware
event-based analysis types, the duration estimate
affects a multiplier applied to the configured
Sample after value.
-target-install-dir=<string> Specify a path to VTune Profiler on the remote
system. If the default location is used, this
path is automatically supplied.
-target-pid=<unsigned integer>
Attach collection to a running process specified
by process ID.
-target-ports=<string> Specify a network port used by the target
collector on the remote system.
-target-process=<string> Attach collection to a running process specified
by process name.
-target-system=<string> Define target system for remote collection.
Supported <string> values:
android - for Android systems.
ssh:user@target - for Linux systems, where <user>
is a user name and <target> is a network name of
the remote system accessed via SSH (usually IP
-target-tmp-dir=<string> Specify a directory on the remote system where
performance results are temporarily stored. By
default, /tmp directory is used.
-trace-mpi | -no-trace-mpi (default)
Configure collectors to trace MPI code, and
determine MPI rank IDs in case of a non-Intel MPI
library implementation.
Global Options:
-q, -quiet Suppress non-essential messages
-user-data-dir=<string> Specify the base directory for result paths
provided by --result-dir option. By default, the
current working directory is used.
-v, -verbose Print additional information
1) Perform the hotspots collection on the given target.
vtune -collect hotspots a.out
The default naming template for result directories is r@@@{at}, where:
@@@ is an increasing numeric sequence automatically assigned by vtune;
{at} is an abbreviation of the analysis type.
2) Collect the results into the 'r001tr' result directory.
vtune -collect threading -r r001tr a.out
Use '-help collect <analysis type>' for more information about each analysis type.
Available Analysis Types:
Want to characterize and identify relevant analysis types for your workload?
Get a quick snapshot of your application performance and identify next
steps for deeper analysis.
Want to find out where your application spends time and optimize your algorithms?
Identify the most time consuming functions and lines of source code.
Preview feature - should we keep it, change it, or drop it? Send us your
Profiler: Anomaly Detection - preview feedback. Identify performance
anomalies by profiling critical code at the microsecond level. Anomaly
Detection uses Intel Processor Trace technology for fine-grained
Analyze memory consumption by your application, its distinct memory
objects and their allocation stacks.
Want to see how efficiently your code is using the underlying hardware?
Analyze CPU microarchitecture bottlenecks affecting the performance of
your application.
Measure a set of metrics to identify memory access related issues.
Want to assess the compute efficiency of your multi-threaded application?
Discover how well your application is using parallelism to take advantage
of all available CPU cores.
Analyze performance aspects of compute-intensive applications, including
CPU and GPU utilization. Get information on OpenMP efficiency, memory
access, and vectorization.
Want to see how efficiently your code is using I/O?
Analyze utilization of IO subsystems, CPU, and processor buses.
Want to explore GPU/FPGA usage for your application?
Explore code execution on various CPU and GPU cores on your platform,
estimate how your code benefits from offloading to the GPU, and identify
whether your application is CPU or GPU bound.
Analyze the most time-consuming GPU kernels, characterize GPU utilization
based on GPU hardware metrics, identify performance issues caused by
memory latency or inefficient kernel algorithms, and analyze GPU
instruction frequency per certain instruction types.
Analyze CPU/FPGA interaction issues through these ways: 1. Focus on the
kernels running on the FPGA. 2. Identify the most time-consuming kernels.
3. Look at the corresponding metrics on the device side (like Occupancy
or Stalls). 4. Correlate with CPU and platform profiling data.
Want to explore CPU, GPU and power usage for your application/system?
Analyze general behavior of Linux or Android target system and correlate
power and performance metrics with IRQ handling.
Preview feature. Analyze the CPU/GPU utilization of your code running on
the Xen virtualization platform. Explore GPU utilization per GPU engine
and GPU hardware metrics that help understand where performance
improvements are possible.
Platform Profiler collects coarse-grained, system-level metrics for
extended profiling of minutes to hours. Software architects can identify
workloads or phases of workloads that use hardware inefficiently and need
tuning. Infrastructure architects can see if the current hardware
configuration is a good match for most workloads.
Want to profile applications using Intel Transactional Synchronization Extensions or run on systems with Intel Software Guard Extensions?
Analyze Intel Transactional Synchronization Extensions (Intel TSX) usage.
Analyze hotspots inside transactions for systems with the Intel
Transactional Synchronization Extensions (Intel TSX) feature enabled.
Analyze hotspots inside security enclaves for systems with the Intel
Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) feature enabled.
# /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/vtune -help collect memory-access
Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Command Line Tool
Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Measure a set of metrics to identify memory access related issues (for
example, specific for NUMA architectures). This analysis type is based on
the hardware event-based sampling collection.
To modify the analysis type, use the configuration options (knobs) as
-collect memory-access -knob =
Multiple -knob options are allowed and can be followed by additional collect
action options, as well as global options, if needed.
Specify an interval (in milliseconds) between CPU samples.
Default value: 5
Possible values: numbers between 0.01 and 1000
Enable the instrumentation of dynamic memory allocation/de-allocation and
map hardware events to such memory objects. This option may cause
additional runtime overhead due to the instrumentation of all system memory
allocation/de-allocation API.
Default value: false
Possible values: true false
Specify a minimal size of dynamic memory allocations to analyze. This
option helps reduce runtime overhead of the instrumentation.
Default value: 1024
Possible values: numbers between -2147483648 and 2147483647
Evaluate maximum achievable local DRAM bandwidth before the collection
starts. This data is used to scale bandwidth metrics on the timeline and
calculate thresholds.
Default value: true
Possible values: true false
Instrument and analyze OpenMP regions to detect inefficiencies such as
imbalance, lock contention, or overhead on performing scheduling, reduction
and atomic operations.
Default value: false
Possible values: true false
# /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/vtune -help collect hotspots
Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Command Line Tool
Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Identify the most time consuming functions and drill down to see time spent
on each line of source code. Focus optimization efforts on hot code for the
greatest performance impact.
To modify the analysis type, use the configuration options (knobs) as
-collect hotspots -knob =
Multiple -knob options are allowed and can be followed by additional collect
action options, as well as global options, if needed.
User-Mode Sampling(sw) mode use for: profiles longer than a few seconds,
profiling a single process or a process-tree, profiling Python and Intel
runtimes. Hardware Event-Based Sampling(hw) mode use for: profiles shorter
than a few seconds, profiling all processes on a system, including kernel.
Default value: sw
Possible values: sw hw
Specify an interval (in milliseconds) between CPU samples for the Hardware
sampling mode. Sampling interval for the Software sampling mode is fixed
Default value: 5
Possible values: numbers between 0.01 and 1000
Enable collection of call stacks.
Default value: false
Possible values: true false
Specify the size of a raw stack (in bytes) to process. Zero value in
command line means unlimited size. You may set arbitrary stack size value
in the custom analysis configuration.
Default value: 1024
Possible values: 0 1024 2048 4096
Get additional performance insights such as the efficency of hardware usage
and vectorization, and learn next steps. Note: this option collects CPU
events in the counting mode.
Default value: true
Possible values: true false
/opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/vtune -collect memory-access -v -d 20 -r /media/disk1/fordata/web_server/like12/package/vtune/results/gt441-memory-access-gameid-v2-numa-round5-debug -knob sampling-interval=0.03 -data-limit=3072 -call-stack-mode=all -inline-mode=on -finalization-mode=full